Our Approach


The Issue

Haiti has over 32,000 orphaned and abandoned children living in approximately 760 orphanages throughout Haiti. Less than 15% of these orphanages are registered or monitored by Haitian authorities. These children have daily struggles and trauma that determine the course of their future. Below are current statistics on children who age out:

10% commit suicide

40% become homeless adults

60% will enter into prostitution

70% become criminals

1 in 15 children become a restavek (a child slave)

Many children in Haitian orphanages are at a great risk of being trafficked commercially and sexually.


Our Work

Mission of Truth is dedicated to providing trauma therapy, nutritious meals, medical care and life skills for the children in our partnered orphanages. Many of these children have experienced a great deal of trauma and are living with the effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Trauma greatly impacts the cognitive, physiological, social, emotional and behavioral domain of a child’s developing brain, causing life-long consequences. Our child psychologists administer techniques and therapies to help each child reach their full potential. Additionally, MOTO’s psychologists and staff work with each child to provide:

  • Trauma Therapy

  • Nutritious Meals

  • Medical Care

  • Tutoring

  • Life Skills and Vocational Training

  • Social Skills

  • HOPE


Our Goal

Our goal is to ensure every child is emotionally healed from their past trauma so that they may break the cycle of poverty and hopelessness. We want these children to have a sense of self worth and to know they have a chance for a successful future outside the orphanage gates.